Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ready For The New Year!

I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions, probably because in the past I knew I wouldn't stick to them. So why even set myself up for failure? I'm not necessarily going to make resolutions Jan 1st this year either. I already vowed to myself months ago that I am changing my life. I will though restate what this new life and new year will mean for me, and what I am leaving behind in 2011.

2011 will be the last year:

...I was a lazy couch potatoe
...I dreaded clothes shopping, mainly because plus size clothing isn't that cute, and nothing fit right anyway.
...tying my own shoes was too hard, so I just didn't wear shoes with laces.. including tennis shoes for working out.
...I start something, and don't finish.
...I miss out on any fun adventure because my size held me back (or again, I was too lazy) husband was smaller than me.
...I make excuses for everything.

What does 2012 mean to me?

-I'll be able to enjoy my children's childhood with them to the fullest.
-I'll look forward to going to the beach, and wearing a swim suit.
-I'll get off the couch/chair/bed and get MY OWN things, instead of asking my too-willing husband to do it for me.
-Wear tennis shoes more often... This I already do though, because I CAN BEND OVER and tie them without getting out of breathe, HURRAY for boot camp!
-Exercise will be more of a daily routine, it will be part of my life like it has begun to be these last few months at camp.
-Accomplish things I never thought I could.
-NEVER give up. NEVER quit. I've always been a quitter, so this more of that.

So a lot of these things I've already been experiencing since I started boot camp a few months ago, but I will continue to push to be healthy and strong and ALIVE.

Last night boot camp resumed and it was awesome. The workout was so good it flared up my asthma a little! When we were done I wanted nothing more than to take a shower and go to bed. Today I get to do it again. I LOVE LOVE LOVE working out now, never thought I'd say that, but I do.

Yesterday while at camp during one of our stations it was me, Carmen and Jessica all on the same wall. It felt like we were in one of those chick flick movies where all the friends go to the gym together. It's so much fun working out with friends, like we're in this together. I feel like I have so much support from them and everyone else too. I loved hearing Carmen on the other end of the monster rope yelling at me to pick up the speed, or just to do it already. It's so encouraging and I'm just reminded that having your peers around you makes it all the better, and more fun. We laugh at each other all the time, it takes away the pain of Curtis' drills for a few seconds at a time.

Anyway... Sorry for the humungo break in my blogging. If you've been checking for updates and have been disappointed, I apologize. Now that the holidays are over I don't feel so swamped and can actually muster up enough brain power to write something.

Happy (almost) New Year... it's going to be a good one!

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