Thursday, September 29, 2011

Get Some in 15 seconds...

I was prepared for something brutal tonight for boot camp Friday. I thought since Curtis is going out of town for a week he wanted to leave us with a tasty treat. I was right. We did all sorts of stuff, I'm going to be sooo sore tomorrow.

First of all- I did 2 rounds of mountain climbers on ALL fours, no knees, no buckling!! It's a big deal. By round 3 (out of 4) I started trembling a little, probably midway through and of course Curtis happened to look over at the exact moment that I had dropped down for a second and yelled at me to get off my knees. I try I try. Anyway, just had to announce that.

We did some mad minute shizzle... everything was in 60 second intervals broken into 3 sets of 20 seconds with no rest in between. 5 different exercises, and 4 rounds... I'm exhausted just thinking about it again. We got a generous 15 second rest in between each minute round, hence the title. I know..he's so giving huh?

Get Ready to Crank it!

Move one was inclined band press with isometric holds. First few rounds of those were tough, but... manageable. 3rd and 4th rounds, unbearable. Next was band squats with isometric holds. Again, not SO bad at first but it got harder and harder. THEN we did some bent over rows with dumb-bells, going from single handed rows to those freakin' see-saws again.. Except this time the see-saws were inverted, so rowing, instead of pressing. Either way, I hate 'em. My back, shoulders, and arms love them though. Fourth were some lateral lunges. I find that I can squat lower, stick my butt out/down further and my balance is getting a lot better. WINNING!  Last but definitely not least were single leg mountain climbers. Remember these minutes were broken up into 3 brackets, so for the mountain climbers we started one leg, switched to the opposite, then switched to both... FUN. *sarcasm font*

I pushed harder tonight because it was the end of the week and I needed something to REALLY have to recover from this weekend, since there is no TRX Saturday and I have 3 days off. I'll need to go hiking or something.

A successful night for me, no emotional breakdowns, my knees feels a LOT better and no joke on my drive home "Eye of the Tiger" came on the radio, it was a sign... a salute to my progress. It was the perfect song to end my week of awesome-ness.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One of those days.

I keep hearing that everyone has an off day. Whether it's eating crappy, or missing a workout... My day started off sucky. The hubs work schedule got changed last minute again which caused me to miss my AM workout. Being that I was already awake at 5am and needed my car, (and hubby's bike is broken..again...) I had to wake up both of my girls, load them in the car and drive him to work. So I'm up at the butt crack of dawn, and no workout to energize me. Fail.

Of course now my whole day is thrown off now. I have a few very important appointments to get to throughout the day so the girls need to nap according to plan. It's like organizing a synchronized swim or something.. hmmfph.

I also had probably my 2nd or 3rd fight in the entire history of my marriage/relationship with my husband... a total of 7 years, and this was first thing this morning, on the way to work...while I should've been at Rock Star Boot Camp. With such a busy day ahead of me, I didn't have time to work it out with him, fix our problems etc. Hadn't talked at all except when I got home at 6pm with just enough time to drop off the girls and change into gym attire. I had seriously considered missing a day of camp to stay home and resolve this issue we were having. Then my oldest daughter decided the world would end if she didn't do 1,348,298 different things that she wasn't even allowed to do at the same time. Get.Me.The.FREAK.OUT.OF.HERE!!!

So off to boot camp. I'm tired as hell. Weak from yesterday. Emotional, stressed, upset...a lot of other crap. I've been holding everything in all day and was hoping working out would relieve some stress. And man did it. Like an idiot I started crying during the first round. I tried to shake it off but it hit me like a wave. Started hyperventilating, felt dizzy, going to puke...I needed to have a moment. At the time I thought I was having some sort of physical break, maybe I was just exhausted. After resting for 2 minutes I realized my body wasn't in pain, my heart was. I thought, "pull it together woman and get your ass back out there." So I did. And it was delicious.

To be honest, I was completely distracted tonight. I know we did some 3-headed monster variations (ie: bear crawl... um.. maybe next time on that beast), 3x3 sets of sorts... we did 3 burpees (or variations) followed by 3 push-ups for 60 seconds... then run 3 steps forward, 3 steps back, then 3 burpees. Then some TRX Rip training. I love TRX, I can not wait(!) until next Saturday!!

So if you've made it this far through my bitchfit, I applaud you. Thank you for reading. I'm all good now and ready for some booty kickin' tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day ;)

Boot Camp in ACTION

I took a few pics of some campers last night and I thought it would be a good idea to show you what I've been talking about in my blog.

Remember yesterday I wrote about See-Saws and isometric holds? Here are a few examples.

This is the "single-leg squats with the other leg elevated on a tire"... obviously.

Here is the man himself, Curtis, demonstrating those arm see-saws that I hate:

We also did these TRX Pull-ups.. did I write about that? Don't remember.

A few shots of some of the amazing equipment...

Curtis doesn't mess around...(lol it's funny being behind the camera when he's like this... not so much during the workout though.)

And literally the way a lot of us feel at the end of our session:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I freakin' hate them.

Last week Curtis had us doing these see-saw leg lunges, I wrote about that here.. Today we did another variation. See-Saw arm extention thingies with dumb-bells. OUCH. It burned. I think I actually felt my muscles starting to ignite. We also did a lot of isometric holds... I hate those too. We would squat down, hold for 20 seconds, then start actually squatting up and down for another 20 seconds. Switch to single-leg squats with the other elevated on a tire, same thing.. isometric hold sunk down for 20 straight into up and down for another 20 seconds. I got 2 rounds with my leg elevated. The other 3 I needed my foot on the ground. I reaaally struggled with this one. Partly because I have no balance yet whatsoever. Partly because I have so much weight to carry, and partly because I have one bum knee. It's feeling a little better, it was still killer though.

Crap! I just remembered... dammit I wanted to wear my pedometer today. I keep forgetting! I'll wear it tomorrow for sure, someone remind me if you can!

I might have Jury duty today, gotta call around 11 to see if I have to report to court or not.. If not I'll be going back to Rock Star for more torture tonight. Even though I'll be doing more See-Saws

I freakin' hate See-Saws


Monday, September 26, 2011

STRONG is the NEW Skinny!

Skinny and [weak] is OUT. That's what Curtis said tonight at Rock Star Boot Camp, my new favorite place to be. Cardio Monday was all full of laughs though today. Rock Star hosted a TRX training/certification for fitness professionals from all over AZ and Curtis had fun explaining his new learnings. We (I) learned to activate and recruit every muscle in our bodies during our traditional exercises. Instead of just holding our push-up pillar, he said "squeeze your buttcheeks like you're holding a dollar bill in between them, and someone is trying to take that dollar bill... not sure why you'd have a dollar bill in your butt, or why someone would be trying to take it, but they ARE so don't LET them. LOL I had a hard time staying up on my arms while he was saying this, I was laughing so hard. Then he acted like a total goofball demonstrating what NOT to do. No leisurely shuffles, jump ropes, squats etc anymore.

I must say I'm excited about this TRX training thing because I happen to loooveee TRX exercises. My arms were still sore tonight from TRX Saturday with Rachelle. Tonight we did a new move called "TRX Gravity Suspension Bear Hugs." Mouthful huh? I kind of liked them though. It's like giving the air a bear hug, literally, pulling yourself up after suspending back/downward. Like this:

Curtis is one of those people that are passionate about what he loves. He loves training people, getting people in shape, kickin' our asses.. I can just tell he reaaalllly enjoys the last one. He's so encouraging and really praises you when you're doing something right. Many times he's told me I was on the right track, my stance was right.. etc. During my Bear Hugs I felt like I could use a little more difficulty so I took a step or two forward and he proceeded with "that's the shit right there!!" I love how excited he gets. In my head I did a happy dance I was so proud of myself but I couldn't exactly do a dance for reals because 1) I was in the middle of a round, 2) I would've looked like a fool and 3) my arms were about to fall off. So in my head it was.

Then we did some jump-roping... and much like jumping jacks, if you're a girl.. they suck if you know what I mean. And if you're a girl with humungo ta-tas like me, you know they double suck. My knee was killing me, I forgot to wrap it with the ace bandage I bought last week. My shoes are a piece of crap that need to be replaced. I was just telling my hubs the other day, "wow these $10 sneakers I bought at Wal-mart have really held up for 3 years!" Well no shit. I never used them, obviously. In the last 2 weeks, shoes went from "good condition" to literally falling apart. The soles are torn up on the inside and outside. My feet hurt. These bad boys have seen more action in 2 weeks than they have in the entire 3 years I've had them. So new shoes here we come.

No asthma attack tonight (YAAAYY!) and I didn't even spill my water :) It was a good night and perfect start to my week. Hopefully there will be some stellar accomplishments. My quote to live by for now is "Do better today than you did yesterday." It's all I can ask for.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

TRX Saturday

Saturday morning I went to my first TRX workout. I was a little stressed about it though for a few reasons:

1. I injured my knee last Monday and kept using it all week like normal. It seemed to be getting better but Thursday, the day Curtis tried to kill us all,  it started to hurt again really bad. I had the next day off to rest so I figured I'd be okay. Then,

2. I broke my pinky toe, on the same side as my hurt knee. I was already limping a little, now I just looked pathetic. Bum knee, bleeding all over the mall. It was SUPPOSE to be a relaxing day with my girlfriends and our kids, spending some quality one on one time with my oldest daughter. While she had a blast running around the place, it was no break for me. I was sweating, panting... chasing her every where. I'm going to consider that day a work out in it's own. Later that night,

3. I went over to a friend's house for a bbq. I filled up on a delicious spinach salad before I left so I wouldn't want to chow down on everything in sight. I was offered a malt beverage, and I accepted. I remembered thinking "wth, I've been pregnant or nursing a baby for the past 2 years and now that I'm finally not... I can have a drink." So I did. Then I had a small piece of brownie. As we were driving home I thought "Oh My goodness! I have to get up a 5am! I'm working out tomorrow!!! WHY DID I DRINK!?"

So you can see why I was a little worried. The TRX training day was basically all of the TRX moves Curtis has slipped in every once in a while at our daily boot camp sessions. I did push-ups, lots of them, on the TRX straps. I'll have to show a video, I'm a little tired right now and if I try to explain it... you'll just leave more confused.

I met some great new people. Rachelle leads the TRX Saturdays, she was so nice and can't wait to see her again at the next Saturday training. I also met Jodi! She's been so awesome on my Facebook fan page. Always encouraging and it was awesome to finally meet her. Hopefully I'll get to see them both at boot camp again soon.

Here are a few examples of some TRX exercises.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Picture this: Week 13

Well here it is like I promised. I thought about doing a comparison shot from before I started bootcamp, like doing a set of three pics instead of two, but there isn't much difference in the photo from before. So sadly there isn't much a visual change since I started boot camp. I'm a whole different person though, so don't let the looks fool you.

Here is Week 1 Photo, from the very beginning.. and today Week 13, 2 weeks into boot camp. I probably should've worn a tighter shirt, I'm sure there is more definition under all that fabric... or so I'd like to think ;)

A Message

Woke up this morning, popped onto my Pinterest (let me know if you want to join, I can invite you) feed and this is the first thing I saw.

I think it's a sign.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Quitting is NOT an option/BC Day 8/ Boot Camp Friday

I think Curtis was trying to kill me tonight. I seriously thought I was going to die. My head was pounding, I think i got a little dizzy. I dry heaved TWICE. I never fully stopped though because he kept yelling at me that I "WILL NOT QUIT." I started off kind of in the crapper because on the way to boot camp my water fell over in the car and I didn't notice right away. By the time I did, I was left with a cup of ice, and the water stock at camp was depleted. So next week I'll be bringing in my share of water, just in case this happens again.

I learned a new move today. As I was explaining to my husband I kept getting the name wrong. "Spider climbers.. I mean mountain crawls... I mean... ah crap.. whatever I'm just calling it the Spiderman."

So I'm calling it the Spiderman. Imagine trying to climb up a wall, just like Spidey does, but on the floor. Once again, I had to moderate to my forearms instead of up on my hands, but next time I bet I'll be able to do it right.

I hate mountain climbers. They can kiss my left toe. nah.. It's a loving kind of hate.

You know what really gets my goat is Curtis makes these little cutesy names for his exercises that make it seem like it's not going to be so bad. It's a trick. The cuter the name, the harder it is.

Like a See-Saw... sounds fun huh? More like NOT. Forward lunge straight to a reverse lunge.. same leg, no switching until that happy guy on the loud speaker says so.

See-Saw, Burpee, Spiderman... don't let the names deceive you. Although I almost died tonight, IT.WAS.DELICIOUS!

Tomorrow is my day off, then back on Saturday for TRX training with Rachelle (can't wait to meet you!). I'll be posting a pic of myself tomorrow for the good ole comparison shot. Can you believe I'm a 5-day-a-week exerciser? What's that you say? I can't do this? Well I just worked out 5 more times than you did this week. So take that. Peace out.

If you have nothing positive to say...

I say this to you:

Brithday Burpees

There were 2 people with birthdays at last night's camp and Curtis was so generous to give them both gifts. In fact, he gave us ALL a birthday presents to honor them. It wasn't a iPod, it wasn't a pretty box wrapped in a bow, and it definitely wasn't a cake. We got some Burpees... 90 seconds of them.

If you don't know what a Burpee is:
Now I do a modification since I'm not quite ready for the full burpee. But they're still hard. Let's just say there were a few people that said they will NOT be telling Curtis when their birthday's are, especially if this is their present LOL!

So we did the burpees, and THEN started our warm-up. After warm-up, we did all sorts of things. This was Wild-card Wednesday, so there were tons of different stations to choose from during our super sets. Battle ropes, tire flipping, dragging weights, three-headed dragons, throwing the medicine ball around... and some other stuff that was too advanced for me.

I did a lot of tired flipping. When I got home, the hubs said it looks liked I'd been abused (well duh, I was at Rock Star after-all) because my hands, wrists and legs had black marks.. The tires were DIRTY! I didn't really care much. I mean, I grew up on a horse ranch... tire soot was probably cleaner than most things I touched.

Today is boot camp Friday, last day of the workout week. I'll have a day off (the real Friday) from camp and then go back Saturday morning for my first TRX workout. I'll be sure to report about that.

I'm going to get an updated pic of me posted Friday. Hopefully I'll be able to see a transformation, even just a tinsy winsy one.

Until then, look at a few of my gorgeous sisters, I'm going to be skinny too some day so I can share clothes [with the tall one] and shoes.. she has an amazing shoe collection. The shirt I'm wearing is basically a small tent :/ (pic was a little over a year ago)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 6

...of boot camp, and Curtis' workout wasn't the hardest part of the day :( (DEFINITELY not saying it wasn't hard... it was delicious) I've been so blessed with so many supporters, friends, fans, strangers etc. that are gunning for me to do well in this whole thing and get healthy. Everyday I meet someone new at camp, last night a man (I didn't catch his name) walked up to me, shook my hand and told me I was doing an amazing job. These are the kind of people I need in my life.. btw, THANK YOU, I'll have to get your name if you're there tonight Mr.

The kind of people I really can't stand right now are the ones that seem like they want me to fail. "That's too hard, slow down, take a day off..." Do they WANT me to be fat? Do they want me to lose out on my daughters childhood because I'm too out of shape to play with them? What do these people think they're accomplishing by saying crap to hold me back? Because you know after-all, being this big has been so damn full-filling, right? Someone even smirked and said "psh well I can't tell you've been working out." thanks a lot. betch.

I have to keep reminding myself that these comments don't matter. Maybe no one can see a difference yet, but I can feel it. I feel better, stronger, I have more energy, I'm in a better mood. I don't feel skinnier though. It's only mid-week 2 and I've got a lot of flab to lose so I guess I won't see the results for a little while.... maybe next week.. HA HA.. jk..

Something Curtis put up on his Facebook page really hit home for me last night. I had read it early in the day, but it meant a lot more after all the a-holes I encountered. He wrote:
"Don’t get upset by things you can’t control. Go with the flow. Breathe. Work on improving everything else. Don’t take things personally. Keep on moving ahead. Don’t get set-back by negative people."
 Thanks man. I needed to read that.

Leaving the pity party now. Boot camp was HARD. I might've been a little reserved at first because of my asthma attack I had the day before and not having an inhaler scared me a wee bit. I was okay though. I did more push-ups than I've done before, not on all fours yet, but I'm getting there. I did some side pillar hold things and started out all the way on my hands, instead of resting on my elbow. I eventually had to drop down, but this was the first time I'd been able to go all the way up. YAY.

I've started to journal everything I'm eating so we can evaluate what/if I'm doing right/wrong. It's still early, I've only had breakfast, but it was DELICIOUS!

I had HALF of the omelet pictured below.

3 organic, cage free eggs from MY OWN CHICKENS, that my best friend takes care of since I don't have the land.
A ridiculous amount of veggies: LOTS of spinach, red onion, red & green bell pepper, mushroom (sauteed veggies with 1/2 tbs of organic butter).
Topped with my home-made fresh salsa I made last night.... I can share that recipe if you want. Just ask!

I had to add some color in there, hence the kiwi. It was for Elika, but she turned her nose up to it. So I ate it, and it was sooo mmmm good.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cardio Blast Monday

First I'll start off by saying I'm finally calming down from a minor asthma attack induced by this mornings cardio booty-kick. Yea I worked THAT hard. I haven't had asthma in like...idk 3 or 4 years? What does that tell you about how active I've been? Sad.

Today was boot camp Day 5 for me. It was just as hard as last week, but I've made more accomplishments. I did a new cross crawler move, and get this, I was ON MY TOES! In the push up position, I've been doing the on-my-knees modification because the pressure I felt on my surgery incision. Today I got up on my toes and I did most of the exercise (with some modifications) without having to go down to my knees. I did drop down 2-3 times, but this was a big deal for me. My core is slowly getting stronger and I'm feeling more and more confident. Next on the list-- push ups on all fours.

Second thing, remember those mountain climbers I wrote about here? We did those again today and I LEFT THE GROUND! another big deal. I was actually able to keep sprinting off the ground in this position for the majority of the round, a few times I had to slow it down a bit.

I caught myself smiling a few times while shuffling back and forth just thinking, "I just owned that mountain climber." I didn't really own it... but I'm in week 2 and I'm already getting stronger and it's exciting to think maybe next week I'll really be kickin' ass.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I was digging around in the garage and I found this behind some junk. It was still wrapped in plastic from when we bought it. I never even bothered to take it out of the bag. It's so disturbing! Joel and I got this at Sea World on our honeymoon after I BEGGED and begged for it. BEGGED. It was either this, or have our name painted in the shapes of the park animals. I wanted to name drawn more than this, but I think this stupid caricature was cheaper. Still it was like $30 or something. I remember as soon as he handed it over I hated it. 

I know they're suppose to be comical, but really? It's hideous. Next year when we return to Sea World for vacation I'm going to get a new one, I'll have a hawt bod by then so I'll have to do a side-by-side. ugh, what a waste of money, paper, and crayons.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hiking + New Do

Friday morning I went hiking with my friend Carmen, and fellow boot-camper. We met at some mountain off 7th Street and Peoria and started off with a few stretches. She probably saw the fear in my eyes and said "don't defeat yourself before you even try." So with that we started the "hike." I use quotes because the first part of the trail was basically a CLIMB. Hiking is HARD. My shins and calves were on fire, I was so out of breath only after going maybe like 20 yards or so. The incline was steep and the terrain was... rocky.

The days leading up to Friday I had imagined us on a dirt trail with maybe a few ups and downs, maybe a rock or two to climb over. I never pictured actually almost scaling up the side of a mountain. When we got to the top of this point, we met the paved trail.... The easier one. Probably MY level trail. So I thought. We headed up the mountain on this paved trail and I thought it would be a piece of cake from there. WRONG. The only thing easier/different was that there weren't any loose rocks that I need to manuever over. It was just has steep, but on this trail I could turn around and walk backwards to take some pressure off my shins. That was nice.

I made it to the next point and said "Is this the end? Did I make it to the top?" Carmen looked at me funny and said "uh..noo"........ I replied, "well did I make it half way?" Again, "uhm... nooo not even close".


At that point we had come to the conclusion that maybe this trail was a wee too advanced for me for my FIRST hike ever. I was about ready to die so I had her go ahead finish her mountain while I waited for her at the bottom.

I didn't give up though. I went back down to point 1, where the rock cliff met up that I had come up from. Then turned around and went back up to point 2. I then walked the paved trail further past point 1 and back up twice. Hiking is some serious shizzle.

Since I'm a photographer and want to capture every moment on film, I wanted to bring my camera with me to document my first hike. My husband talked me out of it because "uh HELLO!? what if you fall?" Good point, I seriously didn't want to ruin thousands of dollars worth of equipment to document my fat booty climbing a mountain. I used my phone instead. Watching the sunrise over the city was beautiful.

 Later that morning I decided since I'm going through all these changes in my life, I might as well make just one more. I cut my hair AGAIN. This time about 9 inches off. It's verrrry short in the back and longer in front. My main reason was I've been working out and will be working out even more and my hair just makes me hot. So off it goes. It's super cropped on my neck and wont be getting in my way anymore. I took a cheesy phone pic because I was so excited. Also, if you'll observe, I have less of a double chin than a few weeks ago. HOLLA!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 4 Boot Camp Friday

Tonight Curtis said we'd be having a "recovery workout for our hard work this week," a cool down. Yeah, Right. If that workout was a "recovery", I'm a size 2. I was grunting, moaning, back-spazzing and collapsing tonight. It was just as hard, maybe harder than the rest of the weeks workouts.

Lets see... tonight, I did PUSH-UPS. No big deal right? Well when you're carrying probably 30 lbs in your boobs alone, it's a wee bit challenging especially with near zero arm strength. I'm not yet to the full push-up stance up on all fours and hitting the ground with my nose, but I at least got some downward AND back upward motion. I feared gravity tonight, for the sake of my face. Didn't wanna fall and crash onto this money-maker, eh?

Today was the last day of the week for boot camp. It's kind of sad, I have to wait until MONDAY to come back :(

At least I'm going hiking tomorrow to keep me on routine. I'll let you know about that, do you remember that I HATE hiking? Well that was the before me,  I might enjoy it now. You'll have to read tomorrow to find out.

Rock Star days 2 and 3, and a 5K

Well friends let me tell you, this boot camp is kickin' my BUTT! No seriously. I have never been so sore in my entire life. I can't believe I'm doing this! I'm so proud of myself.

Day 2, the hubs had to change his work schedule so I ended up going to the evening workout instead of my planned morning session. It was sprinkling outside so we went indoors for most of the workout. Holy CRAP. This day was a total strength building day.. Day 1 was more cardio, with strength building worked in. I mean it's always cardio + strength, but Day 2 seemed to be more aimed towards strength. I almost collapsed several times.

We did some interval training.. something like 50/10 if I remember right? 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. 6 different exercises, and 4 rounds total. KILLER. The HARDEST part of that workout were the "mountain climbers". If you don't know what that is, picture yourself in a push-up position and then start running in place bringing your knees up to your chest... well I couldn't do that quite well, I could barely leave the ground but I'll be damned, I try my absolute hardest. Then Curtis, the trainer, said something like "if you need to switch it up, try side swiping instead of the traditional mountain climb". Well I THOUGHT if he was offering an alternative, that meant it might be a little easier, so I tried that and almost freaked my freak, and ALMOST fell over. Basically instead of just drawing your knees forward up to your chest, you bring your leg up then swing it back in the opposite direction instead of straight back... that probably makes no sense at all. But you know those crunches you see people doing where instead of sitting straight up, they criss-cross like right elbow to left knee, etc? Well like that, except you're moving your lower body, in a push-up position.

freaking crap. I suck at explaining things, I should just find a video.

Day 3 was a morning workout again. That's a 12 hour turn around time for me! I felt great though. I didn't have to snooze my alarm for the first time. I was able to have a light breakfast, an apple with a small spread of organic, raw peanut butter. I went on my way and even got to camp EARLY. We did a bunch of cardio and some TRX training. I don't know much about that yet, will inform you when I do. It was a hard freakin' workout though.

Tuesday another camper walked up to me and told me that I did a great job for just beginning..That was so nice of her! We exchanged numbers and made plans to go hiking together. So her, another friend of mine and myself are all going hiking on Friday morning at 6 am...

I'm doing things that I would've NEVER done before. I HATE HIKING. Yea, I HATE it. But I'm doing it. Randomly the other day I said to the hubs "I feel like hiking, we should do it". I think I've always hated hiking because I was lazy and "hiking was too hard." Well no shit Sherlock.

So hiking, Friday morning.. check.

Okay now on to EXCITING news. I just registered for my first 5K run/walk! WHAT?! Who AM I? 5K are you CRAZY?

I'm a whole new person. Before, I would NEVER hike, I would NEVER run/walk 5K, and if I were somehow shanghaied into it, I would NEVER be this excited about it. Look out world, I'm becoming a Rock Star.

Here is the 5K I'm doing, it benefits Children's Cancer Research, which only makes this opportunity even better.

Oh I found a video of the mountain climber thingy aka ass whoopin'. It's even a "how-to"

I dare you to try it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rock Star BC Day 1

Today was a lot harder than last weeks boot camp workout. It was BETTER too. I really felt like this was a "Last Chance Workout" like I see them on The Biggest Loser. My favorite station of the day though was those humungo ropes that are anchored to the ground and you have to whip them up and down as hard as you possibly can while in a squat position.. holy cannoli. My leg and butt muscles were BURNING, not to mention my arms about to fall off and my stomach squeezed so tight it was as if I actually HAD stomach muscles for a minute. Well maybe they're there, just vewwy vewwy wittle. I think my stomach was clenched so hard that I had to force myself to relax after I was done. oy.

This is what I'm talking about, it's freakin' hard as freak.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Going back to Boot Camp

Last week I had a guest pass to go to the boot camp I blogged about in my last post. I officially made the decision to start going there regularly, starting tomorrow! I'm excited, nervous, scared, stoked, happy, anxious and just about every other emotion out there.

The trial run coupon that I have runs for 3 weeks, and if I like it and want to continue, there are membership options. HOLY cow are they expensive though, so I probably won't continue unless I hit the jackpot in the next few weeks. I'm glad I have this opportunity though because I can learn so much from going to the camp, and maybe just MAYBE I can carry out some of the routine at home.

There comes that accountability thing though. I like going some where, esp if there is a friend there meeting me because I can't just say forget about the work out today since another person is depending on me being there. Whose to stop me at home from just putting off my work out to watch Bachelor Pad instead? Or getting hooked in Pinterest for hours? No one but lil ole me, and we've seen how that's worked out in the past.

So tomorrow at the bright butt-crack of dawn, I'll be at boot camp again. It's M-Th for 3 weeks. If this programs works like all the reviews have said it does, I should be a skinny minny before you know it! Well that's a LITTLE bit of an exaggeration, but I should definitely SEE some results. Wish me luck, this will be brutal!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Boot Camp

This morning I went with a friend to this boot camp work out called Rock Star Boot Camp. Let me just tell you, I almost DIED. It was the BEST work out I have EVER had. You can tell I'm serious because I'm using a lot of CAPS. lol. I was very nervous at first because in my head, I JUST had a baby cut out of me. Even though that was over 3 months ago and I'm probably all healed up. Maybe using my c-section as my excuse for not wanting to bust my ass sounded good to me. I got there early to talk to the trainer and see what he thought about me just having a surgery and if he thought I would be okay... He was awesome, he just said do whatever I felt comfortable with. Everyone was at different levels and to do MY best. MY best was obviously different than the girl standing next to me, so don't worry about her. He was very encouraging, introduced me to the whole group (embarrasing) over the loud speaker, imagine 35 people turning around and looking at the fatso in the back... Anyway, I guess I was meant to to these work outs because I didn't struggle with the techniques like I thought I would. I'd never done a lot of the things, so I thought my first time I would look like a beached whale flapping around trying to desperately get back into the water.

I thought this trainer would be hard on me because of my size and really kick my ass. No worries, pushed me HARD, but he made ME kick my own ass. Not literally, no buttkicks today. He kept saying "You can stop if you want, take a break if you need". Me needing to prove myself, I didn't take any breaks. I pushed sooo hard. At one point I almost threw up.. ewww. I see them do that all the time on the Biggest Loser and I thought "such wusses" and they're doing WAY more intense things than me! Another reason why I didn't take a break? Well since he's saying over a loud speaker I can quit if I need too, there was NO WAY I was letting all those people see me stop. I bet he did that on purpose. Like you know when someone tells you that you can't do something, you want to do it even more? I had the attitude of "well I'll show YOU, I'm not stopping!"

I'm so proud of myself and I can't wait to go back. The boot camp program is 21 days of unlimited sessions. After that I can sign up for a monthly type membership thing. Check it out for yourself. You'll be proud of me too when you see the video.

I wish I had a hot tub at my house, I'm so sore. Below is the video from youtube. I did just about everything you see.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Round 2

I have failed miserably at my blogging and weightloss. I plan to make up for it though.. so it's not the end.

There is good news and there is bad news. The bad: I have been super lazy and un-motivated. Not that I haven't WANTED to work out, time just seems to get away from me then "I'll work out before bed". Then I get too tired and "I'll work out in the morning". Morning comes around after a sleepless night and "I'll work out when the girls nap"....It's and endless cycle full of excuses. Hey, the first step is admitting I have a problem. So I do, and that ended (again) tonight.

Oh yea, the good news..... I haven't gained any weight since I stopped working out. Miracle huh?

Well tonight it was like a light bulb went off in my head. I was reading a book (Jemima Jones, I've read it probably 3 or 4 times already) and I decided enough was enough. I remember enjoying working out, how good it felt to sweat and have energy. Why did I stop?? I have no idea because I was having fun. Then I just lost the motivation to do it more and more. The girls were almost ready for bed so I had the hubs take over for bedtime routine so I could get on the machine for a good work out and then shower without having to worry about the babies stopping me.

AHhhhhh.. feels soo good. Seriously I need to report back to this post if I stop again. I swear I better not. I hope I don't.

To my followers, sorry if I have let you down. I know I have quite a few supporter that are rooting for me and I hope I don't disappoint any further.
