Monday, September 5, 2011

Round 2

I have failed miserably at my blogging and weightloss. I plan to make up for it though.. so it's not the end.

There is good news and there is bad news. The bad: I have been super lazy and un-motivated. Not that I haven't WANTED to work out, time just seems to get away from me then "I'll work out before bed". Then I get too tired and "I'll work out in the morning". Morning comes around after a sleepless night and "I'll work out when the girls nap"....It's and endless cycle full of excuses. Hey, the first step is admitting I have a problem. So I do, and that ended (again) tonight.

Oh yea, the good news..... I haven't gained any weight since I stopped working out. Miracle huh?

Well tonight it was like a light bulb went off in my head. I was reading a book (Jemima Jones, I've read it probably 3 or 4 times already) and I decided enough was enough. I remember enjoying working out, how good it felt to sweat and have energy. Why did I stop?? I have no idea because I was having fun. Then I just lost the motivation to do it more and more. The girls were almost ready for bed so I had the hubs take over for bedtime routine so I could get on the machine for a good work out and then shower without having to worry about the babies stopping me.

AHhhhhh.. feels soo good. Seriously I need to report back to this post if I stop again. I swear I better not. I hope I don't.

To my followers, sorry if I have let you down. I know I have quite a few supporter that are rooting for me and I hope I don't disappoint any further.


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