Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One of those days.

I keep hearing that everyone has an off day. Whether it's eating crappy, or missing a workout... My day started off sucky. The hubs work schedule got changed last minute again which caused me to miss my AM workout. Being that I was already awake at 5am and needed my car, (and hubby's bike is broken..again...) I had to wake up both of my girls, load them in the car and drive him to work. So I'm up at the butt crack of dawn, and no workout to energize me. Fail.

Of course now my whole day is thrown off now. I have a few very important appointments to get to throughout the day so the girls need to nap according to plan. It's like organizing a synchronized swim or something.. hmmfph.

I also had probably my 2nd or 3rd fight in the entire history of my marriage/relationship with my husband... a total of 7 years, and this was first thing this morning, on the way to work...while I should've been at Rock Star Boot Camp. With such a busy day ahead of me, I didn't have time to work it out with him, fix our problems etc. Hadn't talked at all except when I got home at 6pm with just enough time to drop off the girls and change into gym attire. I had seriously considered missing a day of camp to stay home and resolve this issue we were having. Then my oldest daughter decided the world would end if she didn't do 1,348,298 different things that she wasn't even allowed to do at the same time. Get.Me.The.FREAK.OUT.OF.HERE!!!

So off to boot camp. I'm tired as hell. Weak from yesterday. Emotional, stressed, upset...a lot of other crap. I've been holding everything in all day and was hoping working out would relieve some stress. And man did it. Like an idiot I started crying during the first round. I tried to shake it off but it hit me like a wave. Started hyperventilating, felt dizzy, going to puke...I needed to have a moment. At the time I thought I was having some sort of physical break, maybe I was just exhausted. After resting for 2 minutes I realized my body wasn't in pain, my heart was. I thought, "pull it together woman and get your ass back out there." So I did. And it was delicious.

To be honest, I was completely distracted tonight. I know we did some 3-headed monster variations (ie: bear crawl... um.. maybe next time on that beast), 3x3 sets of sorts... we did 3 burpees (or variations) followed by 3 push-ups for 60 seconds... then run 3 steps forward, 3 steps back, then 3 burpees. Then some TRX Rip training. I love TRX, I can not wait(!) until next Saturday!!

So if you've made it this far through my bitchfit, I applaud you. Thank you for reading. I'm all good now and ready for some booty kickin' tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day ;)

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