Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rock Star days 2 and 3, and a 5K

Well friends let me tell you, this boot camp is kickin' my BUTT! No seriously. I have never been so sore in my entire life. I can't believe I'm doing this! I'm so proud of myself.

Day 2, the hubs had to change his work schedule so I ended up going to the evening workout instead of my planned morning session. It was sprinkling outside so we went indoors for most of the workout. Holy CRAP. This day was a total strength building day.. Day 1 was more cardio, with strength building worked in. I mean it's always cardio + strength, but Day 2 seemed to be more aimed towards strength. I almost collapsed several times.

We did some interval training.. something like 50/10 if I remember right? 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. 6 different exercises, and 4 rounds total. KILLER. The HARDEST part of that workout were the "mountain climbers". If you don't know what that is, picture yourself in a push-up position and then start running in place bringing your knees up to your chest... well I couldn't do that quite well, I could barely leave the ground but I'll be damned, I try my absolute hardest. Then Curtis, the trainer, said something like "if you need to switch it up, try side swiping instead of the traditional mountain climb". Well I THOUGHT if he was offering an alternative, that meant it might be a little easier, so I tried that and almost freaked my freak, and ALMOST fell over. Basically instead of just drawing your knees forward up to your chest, you bring your leg up then swing it back in the opposite direction instead of straight back... that probably makes no sense at all. But you know those crunches you see people doing where instead of sitting straight up, they criss-cross like right elbow to left knee, etc? Well like that, except you're moving your lower body, in a push-up position.

freaking crap. I suck at explaining things, I should just find a video.

Day 3 was a morning workout again. That's a 12 hour turn around time for me! I felt great though. I didn't have to snooze my alarm for the first time. I was able to have a light breakfast, an apple with a small spread of organic, raw peanut butter. I went on my way and even got to camp EARLY. We did a bunch of cardio and some TRX training. I don't know much about that yet, will inform you when I do. It was a hard freakin' workout though.

Tuesday another camper walked up to me and told me that I did a great job for just beginning..That was so nice of her! We exchanged numbers and made plans to go hiking together. So her, another friend of mine and myself are all going hiking on Friday morning at 6 am...

I'm doing things that I would've NEVER done before. I HATE HIKING. Yea, I HATE it. But I'm doing it. Randomly the other day I said to the hubs "I feel like hiking, we should do it". I think I've always hated hiking because I was lazy and "hiking was too hard." Well no shit Sherlock.

So hiking, Friday morning.. check.

Okay now on to EXCITING news. I just registered for my first 5K run/walk! WHAT?! Who AM I? 5K are you CRAZY?

I'm a whole new person. Before, I would NEVER hike, I would NEVER run/walk 5K, and if I were somehow shanghaied into it, I would NEVER be this excited about it. Look out world, I'm becoming a Rock Star.

Here is the 5K I'm doing, it benefits Children's Cancer Research, which only makes this opportunity even better.

Oh I found a video of the mountain climber thingy aka ass whoopin'. It's even a "how-to"

I dare you to try it.

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