Monday, September 26, 2011

STRONG is the NEW Skinny!

Skinny and [weak] is OUT. That's what Curtis said tonight at Rock Star Boot Camp, my new favorite place to be. Cardio Monday was all full of laughs though today. Rock Star hosted a TRX training/certification for fitness professionals from all over AZ and Curtis had fun explaining his new learnings. We (I) learned to activate and recruit every muscle in our bodies during our traditional exercises. Instead of just holding our push-up pillar, he said "squeeze your buttcheeks like you're holding a dollar bill in between them, and someone is trying to take that dollar bill... not sure why you'd have a dollar bill in your butt, or why someone would be trying to take it, but they ARE so don't LET them. LOL I had a hard time staying up on my arms while he was saying this, I was laughing so hard. Then he acted like a total goofball demonstrating what NOT to do. No leisurely shuffles, jump ropes, squats etc anymore.

I must say I'm excited about this TRX training thing because I happen to loooveee TRX exercises. My arms were still sore tonight from TRX Saturday with Rachelle. Tonight we did a new move called "TRX Gravity Suspension Bear Hugs." Mouthful huh? I kind of liked them though. It's like giving the air a bear hug, literally, pulling yourself up after suspending back/downward. Like this:

Curtis is one of those people that are passionate about what he loves. He loves training people, getting people in shape, kickin' our asses.. I can just tell he reaaalllly enjoys the last one. He's so encouraging and really praises you when you're doing something right. Many times he's told me I was on the right track, my stance was right.. etc. During my Bear Hugs I felt like I could use a little more difficulty so I took a step or two forward and he proceeded with "that's the shit right there!!" I love how excited he gets. In my head I did a happy dance I was so proud of myself but I couldn't exactly do a dance for reals because 1) I was in the middle of a round, 2) I would've looked like a fool and 3) my arms were about to fall off. So in my head it was.

Then we did some jump-roping... and much like jumping jacks, if you're a girl.. they suck if you know what I mean. And if you're a girl with humungo ta-tas like me, you know they double suck. My knee was killing me, I forgot to wrap it with the ace bandage I bought last week. My shoes are a piece of crap that need to be replaced. I was just telling my hubs the other day, "wow these $10 sneakers I bought at Wal-mart have really held up for 3 years!" Well no shit. I never used them, obviously. In the last 2 weeks, shoes went from "good condition" to literally falling apart. The soles are torn up on the inside and outside. My feet hurt. These bad boys have seen more action in 2 weeks than they have in the entire 3 years I've had them. So new shoes here we come.

No asthma attack tonight (YAAAYY!) and I didn't even spill my water :) It was a good night and perfect start to my week. Hopefully there will be some stellar accomplishments. My quote to live by for now is "Do better today than you did yesterday." It's all I can ask for.

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