Thursday, September 22, 2011

Quitting is NOT an option/BC Day 8/ Boot Camp Friday

I think Curtis was trying to kill me tonight. I seriously thought I was going to die. My head was pounding, I think i got a little dizzy. I dry heaved TWICE. I never fully stopped though because he kept yelling at me that I "WILL NOT QUIT." I started off kind of in the crapper because on the way to boot camp my water fell over in the car and I didn't notice right away. By the time I did, I was left with a cup of ice, and the water stock at camp was depleted. So next week I'll be bringing in my share of water, just in case this happens again.

I learned a new move today. As I was explaining to my husband I kept getting the name wrong. "Spider climbers.. I mean mountain crawls... I mean... ah crap.. whatever I'm just calling it the Spiderman."

So I'm calling it the Spiderman. Imagine trying to climb up a wall, just like Spidey does, but on the floor. Once again, I had to moderate to my forearms instead of up on my hands, but next time I bet I'll be able to do it right.

I hate mountain climbers. They can kiss my left toe. nah.. It's a loving kind of hate.

You know what really gets my goat is Curtis makes these little cutesy names for his exercises that make it seem like it's not going to be so bad. It's a trick. The cuter the name, the harder it is.

Like a See-Saw... sounds fun huh? More like NOT. Forward lunge straight to a reverse lunge.. same leg, no switching until that happy guy on the loud speaker says so.

See-Saw, Burpee, Spiderman... don't let the names deceive you. Although I almost died tonight, IT.WAS.DELICIOUS!

Tomorrow is my day off, then back on Saturday for TRX training with Rachelle (can't wait to meet you!). I'll be posting a pic of myself tomorrow for the good ole comparison shot. Can you believe I'm a 5-day-a-week exerciser? What's that you say? I can't do this? Well I just worked out 5 more times than you did this week. So take that. Peace out.

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