Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Boot Camp

This morning I went with a friend to this boot camp work out called Rock Star Boot Camp. Let me just tell you, I almost DIED. It was the BEST work out I have EVER had. You can tell I'm serious because I'm using a lot of CAPS. lol. I was very nervous at first because in my head, I JUST had a baby cut out of me. Even though that was over 3 months ago and I'm probably all healed up. Maybe using my c-section as my excuse for not wanting to bust my ass sounded good to me. I got there early to talk to the trainer and see what he thought about me just having a surgery and if he thought I would be okay... He was awesome, he just said do whatever I felt comfortable with. Everyone was at different levels and to do MY best. MY best was obviously different than the girl standing next to me, so don't worry about her. He was very encouraging, introduced me to the whole group (embarrasing) over the loud speaker, imagine 35 people turning around and looking at the fatso in the back... Anyway, I guess I was meant to to these work outs because I didn't struggle with the techniques like I thought I would. I'd never done a lot of the things, so I thought my first time I would look like a beached whale flapping around trying to desperately get back into the water.

I thought this trainer would be hard on me because of my size and really kick my ass. No worries, pushed me HARD, but he made ME kick my own ass. Not literally, no buttkicks today. He kept saying "You can stop if you want, take a break if you need". Me needing to prove myself, I didn't take any breaks. I pushed sooo hard. At one point I almost threw up.. ewww. I see them do that all the time on the Biggest Loser and I thought "such wusses" and they're doing WAY more intense things than me! Another reason why I didn't take a break? Well since he's saying over a loud speaker I can quit if I need too, there was NO WAY I was letting all those people see me stop. I bet he did that on purpose. Like you know when someone tells you that you can't do something, you want to do it even more? I had the attitude of "well I'll show YOU, I'm not stopping!"

I'm so proud of myself and I can't wait to go back. The boot camp program is 21 days of unlimited sessions. After that I can sign up for a monthly type membership thing. Check it out for yourself. You'll be proud of me too when you see the video.

I wish I had a hot tub at my house, I'm so sore. Below is the video from youtube. I did just about everything you see.

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