Sunday, September 25, 2011

TRX Saturday

Saturday morning I went to my first TRX workout. I was a little stressed about it though for a few reasons:

1. I injured my knee last Monday and kept using it all week like normal. It seemed to be getting better but Thursday, the day Curtis tried to kill us all,  it started to hurt again really bad. I had the next day off to rest so I figured I'd be okay. Then,

2. I broke my pinky toe, on the same side as my hurt knee. I was already limping a little, now I just looked pathetic. Bum knee, bleeding all over the mall. It was SUPPOSE to be a relaxing day with my girlfriends and our kids, spending some quality one on one time with my oldest daughter. While she had a blast running around the place, it was no break for me. I was sweating, panting... chasing her every where. I'm going to consider that day a work out in it's own. Later that night,

3. I went over to a friend's house for a bbq. I filled up on a delicious spinach salad before I left so I wouldn't want to chow down on everything in sight. I was offered a malt beverage, and I accepted. I remembered thinking "wth, I've been pregnant or nursing a baby for the past 2 years and now that I'm finally not... I can have a drink." So I did. Then I had a small piece of brownie. As we were driving home I thought "Oh My goodness! I have to get up a 5am! I'm working out tomorrow!!! WHY DID I DRINK!?"

So you can see why I was a little worried. The TRX training day was basically all of the TRX moves Curtis has slipped in every once in a while at our daily boot camp sessions. I did push-ups, lots of them, on the TRX straps. I'll have to show a video, I'm a little tired right now and if I try to explain it... you'll just leave more confused.

I met some great new people. Rachelle leads the TRX Saturdays, she was so nice and can't wait to see her again at the next Saturday training. I also met Jodi! She's been so awesome on my Facebook fan page. Always encouraging and it was awesome to finally meet her. Hopefully I'll get to see them both at boot camp again soon.

Here are a few examples of some TRX exercises.

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