Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Delicous Coconut Milk Smoothie

So I walked in the house tonight after my nightly workout at Rock Star Boot Camp to a blender full of a post workout smoothie for me. My husband made it and it was all ready, fresh blended, sittin' pretty waiting for me to gulp it down. I admit though I was a little nervous about it at first. He doesn't usually come up with recipes on his own very well and I'm pretty picky about my smoothies because if the protein:fruit:yogurt ratio isn't exactly right... I won't drink it. He wouldn't tell me what was in it and said, "Please, just TRY IT!" So I did. I was VERY impressed. Then he showed me the recipe. He got it from the Silk Pure Coconut Milk Website and he HAD to try it. Our daughter drinks coconut milk, no dairy, so we had lots already in the house. The other night at the store we were buying organic frozen fruit for smoothies and strawberry and mango were the only ones on sale, so that's what we got. This further convinced him that MUST make it for me. Afterall, the strawberries and mango being on sale was a sign.

So on to the recipe: (c&p'd from the website linked above)

Mangoberry Smoothie
1 cup Silk Pure Coconut Original coconutmilk
½ cup fresh or frozen mango pieces
½ cup fresh or frozen strawberries
½ tsp freshly grated ginger (he didn't add this, but I would've done without it anyway)
1 tablespoon honey or agave
½ cup ice

Blend until smooth. Sip with a bendy straw ;)

He added a scoop of my whey protein to make it suitable for my post workout concoction. He was smart not to tell me what was in it before I drank it though... I have NEVER liked coconut milk. EVER. So he tricked me, but I ended up loving it. WIN/WIN. Let me tell you.. He totally gained some brownie points by making this. I loved it.

The nutrition info for the recipe above is:

Calories 125; Fat 3g; Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 18mg; Carbohydrates 26g; Fiber 2g; Sugars 21g; Protein 1g; Vitamin A 12% DV; Vitamin C 70% DV; Calcium 24% DV; Iron 6% DV

My protein powder added 28g. I think next time I'll add in a little yogurt for some extra protein.

Other news: My good friend Lindsay started coming to boot camp with me, YAY!! I've been talking about it for months and I'm so glad that she finally joined me. She also brought along Isabelle.. can't wait to spend more time with these ladies. I love working out with friends!

I've basically moved up to 15lb weights. I've noticed the last few times I've kept 12lb bells at my mat "just in case" I haven't even touched them. That's pretty exciting. My arms are killing me after tonight though so I know adding the weight is pushing me even more. Next up is the 20lb Beast Status weights.

Oh... I still need new pants.

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