Monday, January 2, 2012

Fluffy McFlufferson

Man am I ready to REALLY get back to working out at camp. I'm totally recommitting myself to daily exercises and attending camp as many times as I can during the week. Not to make excuses, but as with everyone, the last few weeks were pretty hectic with the holidays in all. First my family was sick, then I wasn't sick but couldn't make it to camp because of work conflictions, then there was the break... and here we are now.

Honestly I've eaten pretty well over the break, I don't think I had more than 1 or 2 baked goods and those were very healthy versions of a cupcake. I didn't have any Christmas cookies, no angel food cake... no ice cream.. no fudge.. I did have ham though. Spiral sliced, brown sugar glazed, delicious ham. I haven't had that in like, two years or something and man was it good.

One thing that I've really noticed when I started working out a while back was I "toned up".. I quote that because how much can FAT actually tone? Anyway, I did slim down quite a bit, felt tighter and more firm, I guess less jiggly. Even though I still had plenty of fat above my muscles, I stil didn't feel as fluffy. Now that I've had time to slack off, I have never felt...fluffier. I probably have in the past but I've never been this AWARE. It's gross.

I seriously can not WAIT to tighten up again. Curtis posted this one the Rock Star Facebook page today:

"Serious about obtaining your fitness goals? You must set EVERY workout and activity session as an appointment with yourself that you must keep – just like a doctor’s visit. Let nothing, except real emergencies, come between you and your workouts."
It's exactly what I needed, like usual, to jump start me back into motion again. I literally just put in my smartphone daily appointments to go to camp, and on the off days to "Bust A Move" (yes that's what I named the event in my calendar). An alarm will go off once in the morning to remind me to plan ahead, and then again an hour before I need to get it together. No excuses. I've going to the beach in May, I have goals to reach!
I'm looking forward to seeing my camp friends again daily. Hey if you see me not pushing the hardest at camp make sure to bark some orders my way... preferably before Curtis notices. He has a way of sensing the mere millisecond I start to slow down, so it might be best if the encouragement is on a constant flow ;) I'll return the favor. 
Cheers to a new year and a smaller booty! 

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