Friday, December 2, 2011


A few weeks it go it got really cold around here. I was so excited, I love cold weather. Then suddenly the cold vanished. I'd come to camp dressed warm for the nightly workout and it was HOT. I said before that I was tempted to take off my over shirt, but didn't. FINALLY last night, it was sort of freezing. At camp everyone huddle indoors to brace themselves from the cold wind and rain. It got a little crowded for me so I went out side. Once we got moving the chilly breeze felt so good. I needed the breeze, last night's workout was so hard!

I'm not sure if it was the forty second intervals or the new choppers we did that really got me spent. Picture Paul Bunyan, or the Brawny man chopping wood on the side of him. We weren't chopping straight down in front of us, we did it with a pivot. Basically our cores were being ripped apart, love-handles- buhbye. I'm sure I can speak for a few people that they feel the same way. I don't think I've ever worked the muscles triggered at that station. Feels pretty good!

I haven't had breakfast yet, wanted to get in my blog post before the kids woke up...which means I'd have to write 2 sentences at a time and take like 2 hours to get the whole thing done, parents-- you know what I mean right? I bought a few grapefruits, Ruby Reds-my favorites, and I saw a tip online to make them even MORE delicious. BROILED. Never thought of it. I guess you just cut them in half and pop them under the heat for a few minutes and the flavors and juices carmelize into deliciousness. That'll be next.

TRX Saturday is coming up, pretty excited since I've missed the last few TRX's sessions with Rachelle.

Speaking of Rachelle, she went to Chipotle the other day and had a pretty healthy meal. I was, I dont' know, ecstatic? I love Chipotle, LOVE. Like it's my favorite place to eat on the planet probably. I haven't had anything from there though for over 3 months, since before I started camp. I've been avoiding it like the plague. I always got a burrito, or bowl with extra rice. Yea extra rice. Didn't get any beans, the rest of the stuff was good, but not the tortilla or amount of rice lol! So Rachelle explained that of course I could go to Chipotle, just do it right. She got a steak salad, hold the rice, some black beans, veggies etc... YUM. Now that I know I can have it, I think I'll still wait and make it a treat for after the holidays, IF  I beat my measurements. So it's not about cheating, I can make it a treat, a reward. I might need a friend to join me when I go though, just to keep me in check so I don't go back to my old ways of piling on the rice and sour cream. BAH! What was I thinking?!

1 comment:

  1. just came across your blog- i love the name of it! also have enjoyed the advice in your posts.
