Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ropes Galore!

Wow am I exhausted! Last night was my 4th workout this week, today will be my 5th and that still leaves TRX on Saturday. It's more exhausting just thinking about the rest of the week too lol!

I've got a crazy weekend ahead of me, I don't even see any relaxing in my near future. My daughter's 2nd birthday party is on Sunday. A huge BBQ, lots of people, lots of little kids. I've got so much prep to do!

Last night I went to camp ready to bust a move like every other day and during warm up my tail bone started hurting when I would jump. ouch. I wondered why? I thought maybe I needed to pop something, do some twists. No that wasn't it. If I ran, shuffled, jacked.. anything with impact, my tailbone hurt. So I needed to modify basically the entire night, since it was a cardio day, I knew it would be full of high running, jumping etc. Curtis said we could hit the ropes if we ever needed to switch something up. So I started there since the first round was TRX jump squats. A whole round of ropes. 10w/10r x 10 rounds. YOWZA. Then moved on to throwing the medicine ball side ways the shuffling to get it.. I couldn't shuffle either, so I modified to side slams. The next station didn't hurt to bad, it was sprinting forward then back pedaling about 5 yards or so. As long as I wasn't pounding the cement I was okay. Next came bear crawls. I tried it, figured it's no impact so it should be okay. I was wrong. You put a lot of pressure on your back during a bear crawl and it felt like my tail bone was shattering.

Off to the ropes again.

The cycle repeated a few times. I visited the ropes a few times more. One of the rounds I decided to try the jump squats and just pop up on my toes. That wasn't too bad so I did that for the last few cycles. So I tried everything and if I needed to modify I'd go on the ropes... which was a lot.

Midway through the night, I figured out why my tailbone was hurting. Earlier yesterday I tripped over one of my daughter's toys laying on the living room floor. I was so mad especially since I had JUST cleaned up the toys and didn't expect anything to be there when I walked back out of baby girl's room. Apparently my 2 year old doesn't think toys should go in the toy room. hmphf.

Sooooo..that was that. I went home, ate some great lentil soup. I had a dream last night that I lost 14 pounds. HA. If only that were true. I'll get there eventually I guess.

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