So today as I'm running out of the house I remember I needed to get a recent pic of me up PRONTO. I'm so overdue it's redonkulous. I thought, "I don't really have time for this right now, I'm already running late, but I my hair isn't a total wreck like normal, and I'm dressed... so perfect timing (sorta)". I had the hubs snap a quickie of me before running out to go hang out with my sister for the day.
I'm like 4 weeks behind so.... my bad.
In all, I've lost about 10 lbs.. Not really sure, because my scale is broken, stupid thing. I need a new one. I feel like I'm recovered enough to try Jillian's 30 day shred again... remember, I just had a baby via c-section, so jumping down to pushup position was not really doable the first time I tried. #OUCH!
Without further adieu, Here is my "before" and week 5
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Well, I'm off to a not so great start. I vowed to run this blog with weekly updates and I have failed miserably. There has been a TON of stuff going on in my household. I don't want this to sound like a bunch of excuses, but I guess that's really what they are.
My little baby girl Selah has been having eating issues. Well not in consumption because I've been feeding her formula, but with the actual act of nursing. We thought she was tongue-tied, or had a tight Frenulum, but after yesterday's doctors appointment, we've determined that's not the case. Tongue-tie explained EVERYTHING, but I guess that's not what it is. The doctor did say that she has an abnormally short tongue, and there were a few things I could try to ease the pain for me while nursing. Things are going a lot better for us, and at least we have some answers. It's so stressful and exhausting not know what's wrong with you or your baby.
So now that's resolved.
I'm still doing okay for my weight loss. I haven't been working out as often as I was the first two weeks, but today I've started up again. It's the beginning round 2. I need to have Joel take a picture of me, probably tomorrow since he's working late and by the time he gets home it'll be dark out (and I have no flash).
I promise, I'm going to get better at blogging. Being a mommy of two is a workout on it's own, and now Elika is sick. I think this weight loss process is going to be slower than I thought.
My little baby girl Selah has been having eating issues. Well not in consumption because I've been feeding her formula, but with the actual act of nursing. We thought she was tongue-tied, or had a tight Frenulum, but after yesterday's doctors appointment, we've determined that's not the case. Tongue-tie explained EVERYTHING, but I guess that's not what it is. The doctor did say that she has an abnormally short tongue, and there were a few things I could try to ease the pain for me while nursing. Things are going a lot better for us, and at least we have some answers. It's so stressful and exhausting not know what's wrong with you or your baby.
So now that's resolved.
I'm still doing okay for my weight loss. I haven't been working out as often as I was the first two weeks, but today I've started up again. It's the beginning round 2. I need to have Joel take a picture of me, probably tomorrow since he's working late and by the time he gets home it'll be dark out (and I have no flash).
I promise, I'm going to get better at blogging. Being a mommy of two is a workout on it's own, and now Elika is sick. I think this weight loss process is going to be slower than I thought.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Week 2 Weigh-In
Okay this post is going to disappoint you, but I thought I'd update. I haven't blogged in a while SORRY! My computer crashed last week and I'm still trying to upload all my programs to process photos etc... So I can't post my week 2 picture quite yet.
As far as the workout situation. I'm still going strong. I didn't plan on weighing myself actually this week and just using measurements to see my progress for a few weeks. I tend to obsess over the scale, you know, pacing around it, talk to it... well not that creepy ha ha! But I'd get on it 2-3...4-5 times a day expecting magical numbers. I've read to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after a nights sleep, and that is your true weight. Well I do that.. then after morning workout, weigh again. huh? no change?... then a little later weigh again, WTH? I gained a pound.. lather rinse repeat. Weight fluctuates +/- a pound or 2 throughout the day I've noticed. So by the end of the day, I've "gained" two pounds.. It makes me twitch. But it's not true. Not sure what it is, maybe water weight, swelling, dinner...
Last week I asked the hubs to hide the scale so I can focus on working out and letting my body do it's thing. The numbers won't go down any quicker the more I stare at them. A pot of water will never boil if you're watching it right? I don't know if that's the actual saying, but something like it I guess!
So I'm down 2 more lbs. Four total for 2 weeks. I'm SURE it could be more. The beginning of July is birthday week in my family. My brother, sister, and mom all have birthdays 2-3 days apart from each other. Birthdays mean cake, BBQ, soft drinks (only because they don't believe in drinking water :/) and swimming. So after I ate a small bite of cake, we went swimming, I gave Elika to her daddy and I went in the deep end and did at least 45 minutes of water aerobics! LOL. Not quite aerobics, but some major arm work outs. I did enjoy the pool a little while I was at it, but swimming is such a good workout because you don't feel it for a while and I can go for much longer.
I'll post a picture as SOON as I can get one uploaded from my camera. Thank you everyone for continuing on with me and my journey!
As far as the workout situation. I'm still going strong. I didn't plan on weighing myself actually this week and just using measurements to see my progress for a few weeks. I tend to obsess over the scale, you know, pacing around it, talk to it... well not that creepy ha ha! But I'd get on it 2-3...4-5 times a day expecting magical numbers. I've read to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after a nights sleep, and that is your true weight. Well I do that.. then after morning workout, weigh again. huh? no change?... then a little later weigh again, WTH? I gained a pound.. lather rinse repeat. Weight fluctuates +/- a pound or 2 throughout the day I've noticed. So by the end of the day, I've "gained" two pounds.. It makes me twitch. But it's not true. Not sure what it is, maybe water weight, swelling, dinner...
Last week I asked the hubs to hide the scale so I can focus on working out and letting my body do it's thing. The numbers won't go down any quicker the more I stare at them. A pot of water will never boil if you're watching it right? I don't know if that's the actual saying, but something like it I guess!
So I'm down 2 more lbs. Four total for 2 weeks. I'm SURE it could be more. The beginning of July is birthday week in my family. My brother, sister, and mom all have birthdays 2-3 days apart from each other. Birthdays mean cake, BBQ, soft drinks (only because they don't believe in drinking water :/) and swimming. So after I ate a small bite of cake, we went swimming, I gave Elika to her daddy and I went in the deep end and did at least 45 minutes of water aerobics! LOL. Not quite aerobics, but some major arm work outs. I did enjoy the pool a little while I was at it, but swimming is such a good workout because you don't feel it for a while and I can go for much longer.
I'll post a picture as SOON as I can get one uploaded from my camera. Thank you everyone for continuing on with me and my journey!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
New Do
It's always been an observation of mine that over weight woman tend to have long hair. I don't know why. I know why *I* always did, but not sure on the others.
I have had long hair my ENTIRE life, minus one year when I cut if off in beauty school. People have always commented how gorgeous my hair is.. thank you thank you.. It's long, thick, wavy, will style howEVER you want it. It's most peoples dream hair, I guess... not being conceited, but that's just what I've been told. When you have an insecurity, what do you do? You find a distraction. If you have humungo ears, you wear your hair down. If you have a huge forehead (FIVE-head), you wear bangs etc etc. I noticed throughout my life how many comments on I got on my hair. I guess subconsciously I thought, "If I draw attention to my hair, maybe they won't notice how fat I am"...?? That's the stupidest freakin' thing I could ever think. How can anyone NOT notice I take up half (not quite) of the room? Hair doesn't shrink people. Again, just stupid thinking... yet I've done it for years.
So I'm putting myself out there even more. I'm not going to hide behind my hair anymore. It'll grow back, sure. But only because I WANT long hair, not because I need it for a distraction. I cut and colored it all by myself.. I'm a hairstylist, it was no biggie.
Added bonuses of having short(er) hair:
-less shampoo & conditioner
-subtract about 10 degrees of heat from lack of the hair-blanket
-takes me an HOUR less time to style it.
-^^I actually WILL style it
-it doesn't get caught in my armpits everytime I move my arm (eww huh?)
-no more slamming it in car doors and almost decapitating myself
Ahhh there are so many more, I could go on for days. Here are some pictures to show what I've done. The bangs could be a regret in a few days. I hate hair in my face, yet every time I grow my bangs out, I want to cut them again. SMH, sometimes I'm just stoopid.
(before, duh.. then after)

I have had long hair my ENTIRE life, minus one year when I cut if off in beauty school. People have always commented how gorgeous my hair is.. thank you thank you.. It's long, thick, wavy, will style howEVER you want it. It's most peoples dream hair, I guess... not being conceited, but that's just what I've been told. When you have an insecurity, what do you do? You find a distraction. If you have humungo ears, you wear your hair down. If you have a huge forehead (FIVE-head), you wear bangs etc etc. I noticed throughout my life how many comments on I got on my hair. I guess subconsciously I thought, "If I draw attention to my hair, maybe they won't notice how fat I am"...?? That's the stupidest freakin' thing I could ever think. How can anyone NOT notice I take up half (not quite) of the room? Hair doesn't shrink people. Again, just stupid thinking... yet I've done it for years.
So I'm putting myself out there even more. I'm not going to hide behind my hair anymore. It'll grow back, sure. But only because I WANT long hair, not because I need it for a distraction. I cut and colored it all by myself.. I'm a hairstylist, it was no biggie.
Added bonuses of having short(er) hair:
-less shampoo & conditioner
-subtract about 10 degrees of heat from lack of the hair-blanket
-takes me an HOUR less time to style it.
-^^I actually WILL style it
-it doesn't get caught in my armpits everytime I move my arm (eww huh?)
-no more slamming it in car doors and almost decapitating myself
Ahhh there are so many more, I could go on for days. Here are some pictures to show what I've done. The bangs could be a regret in a few days. I hate hair in my face, yet every time I grow my bangs out, I want to cut them again. SMH, sometimes I'm just stoopid.
(before, duh.. then after)

Week 1 Weigh-In
The "weigh-in" was actually yesterday, Friday.. but I ran out of the time in the day to blog about it. oopsies, forgive? Thanks.
Well, the results are not what I had hoped for. Here I thought I would pull some Biggest Loser week 1 numbers.. drop like 15lbs or 'bout not. Try more like TWO.
What the frick. I have been working my tail off (I thought literally) twice a day, at least. I go about a mile each time, so that's at least 2 miles a day. Around 120 calories each time. I've cut all junk food calories out and only eat good healthy, nutritious food... besides my morning coffee with creamer, gotta have it. I do account for those in my breakfast subtotal. The theory is that I'm gaining muscle. I'm working on the Elliptical which is working the biggest muscle group, so it makes sense that I'd be strengthening and gaining muscle in that region. A friend told me I should start seeing results bigger results in the next few weeks when my body has adjusted to work outs. She says right now my body is freakin' out since I've just started this routine and doesn't yet know if it's SUPPOSE to let go of the fat. So it's holdin' on for dear life. Soon my body should realize I'm doing this strenuous activity on purpose, and will shed some weight. I hope so. This sure does suck. Oh well, we'll save this week or next for the big numbers, eh?
Although the scale barely reflects the changes I've gone through, I can tell there are plenty of differences in my body. I've lost almost 5 inches around my ribcage/abdomen area. 2" off my waist... that's all of the measurements I took (lazy). I'll do a full assessment soon though. I'm curious, just haven't noticed a difference anywhere else.
I have loads more energy. I sweat a TON now, which I don't know if that is suppose to happen the healthier you get. At first I would barely sweat, but now the more and more I work out, the more I sweat. Either way, it's making my skin look niiiiiiceeee. I guess I'm sweating out the impurities in my body and giving my pores a good breather. It feels good. I'm in a better mood these days. If I start feeling a little tired, I'll hop on the machine for an energery boost. Sounds backwards, like wouldn't working out make me more tired? But is doesn't. Just strange, but it's better than speed... err. I've never taken Speed before just heard it makes people CRAAAZZY hyper. So anyways.
I'm down 2 lbs. Here are the pictures for comparison. I can notice a little difference. Not much, but it's only been a week.. I didn't think I'd see ANY visual physical changes.
Thank you for reading and supporting me.*smooches*
Left is obvs the first pic... week 1 on the left. (I know I'm not totally facing forward, but the lighting was putting a weeeird shadow on my boob making it look completely deformed, that just wouldn't do)
Well, the results are not what I had hoped for. Here I thought I would pull some Biggest Loser week 1 numbers.. drop like 15lbs or 'bout not. Try more like TWO.
What the frick. I have been working my tail off (I thought literally) twice a day, at least. I go about a mile each time, so that's at least 2 miles a day. Around 120 calories each time. I've cut all junk food calories out and only eat good healthy, nutritious food... besides my morning coffee with creamer, gotta have it. I do account for those in my breakfast subtotal. The theory is that I'm gaining muscle. I'm working on the Elliptical which is working the biggest muscle group, so it makes sense that I'd be strengthening and gaining muscle in that region. A friend told me I should start seeing results bigger results in the next few weeks when my body has adjusted to work outs. She says right now my body is freakin' out since I've just started this routine and doesn't yet know if it's SUPPOSE to let go of the fat. So it's holdin' on for dear life. Soon my body should realize I'm doing this strenuous activity on purpose, and will shed some weight. I hope so. This sure does suck. Oh well, we'll save this week or next for the big numbers, eh?
Although the scale barely reflects the changes I've gone through, I can tell there are plenty of differences in my body. I've lost almost 5 inches around my ribcage/abdomen area. 2" off my waist... that's all of the measurements I took (lazy). I'll do a full assessment soon though. I'm curious, just haven't noticed a difference anywhere else.
I have loads more energy. I sweat a TON now, which I don't know if that is suppose to happen the healthier you get. At first I would barely sweat, but now the more and more I work out, the more I sweat. Either way, it's making my skin look niiiiiiceeee. I guess I'm sweating out the impurities in my body and giving my pores a good breather. It feels good. I'm in a better mood these days. If I start feeling a little tired, I'll hop on the machine for an energery boost. Sounds backwards, like wouldn't working out make me more tired? But is doesn't. Just strange, but it's better than speed... err. I've never taken Speed before just heard it makes people CRAAAZZY hyper. So anyways.
I'm down 2 lbs. Here are the pictures for comparison. I can notice a little difference. Not much, but it's only been a week.. I didn't think I'd see ANY visual physical changes.
Thank you for reading and supporting me.*smooches*
Left is obvs the first pic... week 1 on the left. (I know I'm not totally facing forward, but the lighting was putting a weeeird shadow on my boob making it look completely deformed, that just wouldn't do)
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