Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Well, I'm off to a not so great start. I vowed to run this blog with weekly updates and I have failed miserably. There has been a TON of stuff going on in my household. I don't want this to sound like a bunch of excuses, but I guess that's really what they are.

My little baby girl Selah has been having eating issues. Well not in consumption because I've been feeding her formula, but with the actual act of nursing. We thought she was tongue-tied, or had a tight Frenulum, but after yesterday's doctors appointment, we've determined that's not the case. Tongue-tie explained EVERYTHING, but I guess that's not what it is. The doctor did say that she has an abnormally short tongue, and there were a few things I could try to ease the pain for me while nursing. Things are going a lot better for us, and at least we have some answers. It's so stressful and exhausting not know what's wrong with you or your baby.

So now that's resolved.

I'm still doing okay for my weight loss. I haven't been working out as often as I was the first two weeks, but today I've started up again. It's the beginning round 2. I need to have Joel take a picture of me, probably tomorrow since he's working late and by the time he gets home it'll be dark out (and I have no flash).

I promise, I'm going to get better at blogging. Being a mommy of two is a workout on it's own, and now Elika is sick. I think this weight loss process is going to be slower than I thought.

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