Sunday, July 31, 2011

Finally, a pic.

So today as I'm running out of the house I remember I needed to get a recent pic of me up PRONTO. I'm so overdue it's redonkulous. I thought, "I don't really have time for this right now, I'm already running late, but I my hair isn't a total wreck like normal, and I'm dressed... so perfect timing (sorta)". I had the hubs snap a quickie of me before running out to go hang out with my sister for the day.

I'm like 4 weeks behind so.... my bad.

In all, I've lost about 10 lbs.. Not really sure, because my scale is broken, stupid thing. I need a new one. I feel like I'm recovered enough to try Jillian's 30 day shred again... remember, I just had a baby via c-section, so jumping down to pushup position was not really doable the first time I tried. #OUCH!

Without further adieu, Here is my "before" and week 5

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