I have had long hair my ENTIRE life, minus one year when I cut if off in beauty school. People have always commented how gorgeous my hair is.. thank you thank you.. It's long, thick, wavy, will style howEVER you want it. It's most peoples dream hair, I guess... not being conceited, but that's just what I've been told. When you have an insecurity, what do you do? You find a distraction. If you have humungo ears, you wear your hair down. If you have a huge forehead (FIVE-head), you wear bangs etc etc. I noticed throughout my life how many comments on I got on my hair. I guess subconsciously I thought, "If I draw attention to my hair, maybe they won't notice how fat I am"...?? That's the stupidest freakin' thing I could ever think. How can anyone NOT notice I take up half (not quite) of the room? Hair doesn't shrink people. Again, just stupid thinking... yet I've done it for years.
So I'm putting myself out there even more. I'm not going to hide behind my hair anymore. It'll grow back, sure. But only because I WANT long hair, not because I need it for a distraction. I cut and colored it all by myself.. I'm a hairstylist, it was no biggie.
Added bonuses of having short(er) hair:
-less shampoo & conditioner
-subtract about 10 degrees of heat from lack of the hair-blanket
-takes me an HOUR less time to style it.
-^^I actually WILL style it
-it doesn't get caught in my armpits everytime I move my arm (eww huh?)
-no more slamming it in car doors and almost decapitating myself
Ahhh there are so many more, I could go on for days. Here are some pictures to show what I've done. The bangs could be a regret in a few days. I hate hair in my face, yet every time I grow my bangs out, I want to cut them again. SMH, sometimes I'm just stoopid.
(before, duh.. then after)

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