Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 1 Weigh-In

The "weigh-in" was actually yesterday, Friday.. but I ran out of the time in the day to blog about it. oopsies, forgive? Thanks.

Well, the results are not what I had hoped for. Here I thought I would pull some Biggest Loser week 1 numbers.. drop like 15lbs or 'bout not. Try more like TWO.


What the frick. I have been working my tail off (I thought literally) twice a day, at least. I go about a mile each time, so that's at least 2 miles a day. Around 120 calories each time. I've cut all junk food calories out and only eat good healthy, nutritious food... besides my morning coffee with creamer, gotta have it. I do account for those in my breakfast subtotal. The theory is that I'm gaining muscle. I'm working on the Elliptical which is working the biggest muscle group, so it makes sense that I'd be strengthening and gaining muscle in that region. A friend told me I should start seeing results bigger results in the next few weeks when my body has adjusted to work outs. She says right now my body is freakin' out since I've just started this routine and doesn't yet know if it's SUPPOSE to let go of the fat. So it's holdin' on for dear life. Soon my body should realize I'm doing this strenuous activity on purpose, and will shed some weight. I hope so. This sure does suck. Oh well, we'll save this week or next for the big numbers, eh?

Although the scale barely reflects the changes I've gone through, I can tell there are plenty of differences in my body. I've lost almost 5 inches around my ribcage/abdomen area. 2" off my waist... that's all of the measurements I took (lazy). I'll do a full assessment soon though. I'm curious, just haven't noticed a difference anywhere else.

I have loads more energy. I sweat a TON now, which I don't know if that is suppose to happen the healthier you get. At first I would barely sweat, but now the more and more I work out, the more I sweat. Either way, it's making my skin look niiiiiiceeee. I guess I'm sweating out the impurities in my body and giving my pores a good breather. It feels good. I'm in a better mood these days. If I start feeling a little tired, I'll hop on the machine for an energery boost. Sounds backwards, like wouldn't working out make me more tired? But is doesn't. Just strange, but it's better than speed... err. I've never taken Speed before just heard it makes people CRAAAZZY hyper. So anyways.

I'm down 2 lbs. Here are the pictures for comparison. I can notice a little difference. Not much, but it's only been a week.. I didn't think I'd see ANY visual physical changes.

Thank you for reading and supporting me.*smooches*

Left is obvs the first pic... week 1 on the left. (I know I'm not totally facing forward, but the lighting was putting a weeeird shadow on my boob making it look completely deformed, that just wouldn't do)

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