Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'm Shrinking!

Really... I took down all of my measurements last Monday, the day before I was suppose to get my machine. That day I also started counting calories and eating no more than 2000. Since I hadn't started working out yet, and couldn't until I got my machine, I figured might as well get a head start on getting my calorie intake in check. Now that I have my machine, I've worked out 3 times. Twice yesterday, and once (so far) today. I planned on working out twice a day, for an hour each time. Thing is, I totally forgot what it was like working out. Back in the day when I had my gym membership, I could go a good 45-1hr straight on the elliptical. I don't remember if I worked up to that or if that was right off the bat. My first workout yesterday kicked my butt! I stupidly put the machine on Hills, which puts it up to level 3, and went at it. I was seriously tired 2 minutes in. What the heck? So I stopped it, put it on Manual level 1 and continued for 20 minutes. That was all I could do. So I've readjusted my goals. 3x a day for 20 minutes at a time. I'll work up to more obviously, but I'm not going to set goals that I can't reach (yet). I'm already getting better. This mornings workout I barely had to take any 5 seconds breaks, went twice the distance and burnt 50 more calories than last nights workout.

Anyway, back to the measurements.  I won't list every one because I haven't noticed a big difference all over. The only place I can really tell is smaller is my waist. The first was 58"... holy crap that's almost FIVE FEET around. I'm only 5'5" tall, so that is just wacky in my brain. It doesn't make sense, or look like it. But the measuring tape does not lie.

I felt different today so I remeasured for the heck of it, and my waist is down 3.5"! I've sweat a bucket so I'm sure I'm losing a bunch of water weight but I don't care. I don't care how this weight comes off, just that it does. It's so motivating that I'm only on Day 2 and seeing/feeling results. WOOT!

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