Tuesday, October 18, 2011

2x Tuesday

What a day! It's almost 10pm and this is the first chance I've had a chance to sit down and "relax."

I missed camp last night. My daughters are both sick and one decided that she needed some extra beauty sleep (4 hour nap!) and refused to wake up so I can go to camp. You would think it shouldn't be so hard to get a 2 year old out of her crib but she went totally limp noodle on me and then scooted to the far corner where I couldn't reach her. Even if I went around to the other side, she'd scoot over again and refuse to cooperate. I thought I'd give her a minute and check back on her... she fell back asleep. So yea.. she didn't even wake up until 6:45!

To make up for missing another day I thought I'd double up on today's sessions. Tuesdays are usually my favorites anyway since I prefer strength over cardio so I knew it was going to be a good one. This morning I went to the 9:15 session for my first time and got to me a new friend, Stephanie. I've seen her a bunch on Rock Star's Facebook page so it was nice to finally meet her in person.

We did a bunch of different things today. It'll probably be easiest if I just list them:

3 minutes of work, 1 minute of rest
6 different exercises per cycle, no transition rest
-single leg dead lifts {1&2}
-seal jacks (like a jumping jack, but clapping your hands in front of you (like a seal lol) instead of overhead){3}
-staggered squats {4}
-split stance alternating dumbell overhead presses {5&6}

repeat 5x

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So that was about 20 minutes down. That was followed by (after a generous minute of transition rest) not one but TWO screamers. Those were:

8 seconds of work, 25 seconds of rest

Screamer 1

-dead lifts to a row/pull with a DB (or body weight)
-walking lunges (LOVE!)

repeat 4x

Screamer 2
repeat 10x

DELICIOUS. And tiring since I did it twice today. This type of HIIT will DEFINITELY shrink my butt, no doubt.

A few notes about today:
-The first time I ever did single leg dead lifts I had NO balance, was falling all over the place. Today I was able to actually lift my leg probably 99% of the time and do the routine fully. YAY! I'm not sure if these were suppose to, but my butt muscles got a work out!

-Seal Jacks + boobs = .............Ladies, do I even HAVE to say? I know you know what I'm thinking.

On to some more deliciousness, literally. I saw this awesome idea online somewhere and I knew I had just had to try it. I've been eating more veggies lately and want to eat more raw veggies. I can eat the shiznit out of a broccoli head... if I had some ranch. I know, I know... it totally defeats the purpose of eating healthy if you're going to drown it mayo fat sauce. So when I saw this recipe online, you can say I was a little (a lot) excited. I ran it by Curtis and got the thumbs-up.

(Whole Foods has an organic ranch dip herb mix that I would've preferred, but I couldn't get up there, so this was next best.)
Mix 8oz together with the package, refrigerate for a few minutes (30) and then you'll have this:

Obviously the green onions were added, the onion fairy didn't visit while it was in the fridge.

Chop up a variety of yummy veggies:

And you end up with an awesome veggie & protein snack (this is for me for tomorrow, but being prepared is half of the work for eating healthy) to munch on. Now don't go an eat the whole bowl of dip, unless you're sharing with your greedy husband... I think the serving size is a half a cup, I'd need to double check on that.

Again, this is for tomorrow, although I did have to eat the cucumber pictured above. Total party foul if I didn't, so I packed it all away and have an awesome prepared snack. No excuses for not having time to eat. Even walking in and out of the kitchen, I can grab a spear of bell pepper, give it a dunk and continue to chase the kiddos.

For dinner:

Salad with Romaine, bell pepper, green onion, tomato, slow cooked left over chicken and a sun dried tomato balsamic vinegrette dressing. YUMMO.

Thanks Curtis for the awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. As a new camper scheduled to start next week, I am taking all of this in and mentally and physically preparing for this challenge/change. I did want to pass along that I find your blog to be inspirational. So much so that I have decided to start my own blog to keep me accountable, if nothing else.

    Thanks, again, for sharing!
