Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bikram Boot Camp

Ever heard of Bikram Yoga? I've personally never done yoga before, but I heard and read that it's basically yoga done in an extremely hot room. People also call it Hot Yoga. I imagine it to be somewhat like the experience we had a Rock Star Boot Camp tonight.

The weather outside was amazing! Yummy smelling rain, gorgeous lightning, an awesome breeze. All ingredients for and unsafe workout on slippery concrete surrounded by metal warehouse structures. So inside we went. We had to shut the "garage door" to keep the sound system from getting soaked. Being shut in a warehouse, with however many people were there tonight (30-40?) busting their asses, while I'm also busting my ass... IT!WAS!HOT!

I was literally dripping sweat. My hair was soaked like I was standing out in the rain. My glasses were foggy. Clothes sticking to my body in uncomfortable places...ahem.. I whined and moaned and grunted about how damn hot it was the entire time and then at the end I realized I LOVED IT! Maybe because it looked like I worked even harder than I did? Or maybe because I probably dropped at least 5lbs in sweat alone!

So lets see... tonight was delicious like usual. Rachelle was amazing once again. We did a lot of dumb-bell presses/lifts. I grabbed some 8-ers thinking we were doing some see-saws again but we didn't and I felt that the 8lbs were waaay too easy. I grabbed my neighbors extra pair of 12s and continued the workout. The 12s were a big improvement and I struggled a tinsy bit more. I think from now on I'll grab a lighter weight and a heavier one so I'm prepared for next time. I can see-saw the shiznit out of some 8s and not have to stop, even though it's still hard.. but pressing 8's is not enough. I should probably at least shoot for 15s.. My baby girl is about 15lbs and I know I can lift her, I do it all day!

I can't wait to go back for some more tomorrow, I think I have a few friends that want to come with me and experience the torture.. err.. I mean awesome-sauce.

I have a PSA to make. Last night I had experienced some major negativity from another camper.. I almost blogged about it, but I copied and cut it out to review for later, then forgot to paste it and so lost it all. Maybe it was a sign. So I just want to say how LUCKY and FORTUNATE I(WE) are to have the ability and opportunity to work out every night. Rock Star is an amazing place full of amazing people and amazing trainers. I feel VERY blessed to be able to come 5 days a week. To be able to wake up, move my legs, and get in shape.

Just remember that no one is forcing you to go to camp or workout in general. Everyone has a choice. Whether or not you choose to be positive and optimistic about that is up to you. I only ask is that if you are going to be negative and terd-y, keep it to yourself. I can only do so much to ignore it and once it starts distracting me and other campers from what we came do it, then that's just really crappy.

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