Monday, October 24, 2011

Burpee Hell and Fire Hoses

Say What? Fire hose? yep... more on that later.

TGIM! I guess a bajillion people must've signed up to start camp today because it was PACKED. I couldn't even get into the parking lot without waiting in line and I thought I'd end up being late so I parked out front and jogged around. It's amazing to see so many people interested in what Rock Star is all about.

Today's session was called "Game Day Cardio." I grunted right away since I don't like football lol. There was a lot of writing on the white board so I just waited for Curtis to do the good ole warmup run-down. It was juicy. The menu for tonight was all types of stuffs:

Station 1-- 30 seconds work/ 30 seconds rest 
-side shuffles holding a jelly-rolled up fire hose.

Station 2-- 30 seconds work/ 20 seconds rest
-false start sprints
Station 3-- 30 seconds work/ 15 seconds rest
-3pt touches with a medicine ball

Each station was 8-10 rounds.

There were 3 different groups doing the rotations so MY Stations 1,2 &3 are different from others. My rotations are what's listed above, the order will be different for others.

First note: Fire hoses should always be accompanied by hot firemen. It makes them more appealing :) Curtis had us bear hug these monstrosities while we did the side shuffles. I stole one from Jessica and said "it's not even heavy!" Yeah well I should've done some shuffles with it before I said that. After 2 back and forths with the bear hugged hose I put it down. I went for another round of shuffles and OF COURSE, like ALWAYS, Curtis looked over and asked why I didn't have one. But I just DID have one! "Too bad, pick it back up." It's like a beeper goes off every single time I take it down a level. I really actually love this. I didn't think I'd be able to continue my rotation holding that rope. I didn't dare put it down again, not even during the rests! I held the dang thing the entire rotation.

I'll have to thank the fireman camper in person next time I see him for bringing these in. AND thanks, again, to Curtis for pushing me to do my best.

Took this pic from Rock Star's page:

After that loveliness came BURPEE HELL!!       RAWWRRRR. Not sure why I needed to rawr on that one, but it was pretty intense.

These were done in a ladder format.

1 burpee, run 10yards and back
2 burpees, repeat^^
3 burpees, repeat^^
etc, etc, etc... for 5 minutes. How kind of Curtis, huh?

You know what really makes burpee hell, sprints, spartan screamers and so on all the better? He plays awesome music during them. Basically all the music from the Rocky sound track is probably on his playlist and you feel like such a badass while performing. It's hard to get through it so I just picture Sylvester getting back in the ring time and time again until the end of the match where he wins.

Everyone can do this, just like Rocky Balboa, just get back in the ring, take a few more punches and come out victorious.

That's what I feel after tonight. VICTORIOUS! Perfect cardio Monday and the perfect way to start off week 7 at Rock Star Boot Camp. Come get some!

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