Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sister, Sister

Last night I brought my baby sister with me to Rock Star Boot Camp for "Kill--I mean Bring a friend Wednesday." I was excited for her to see what it is I really do when I talk about working out. A few minutes in, actually it was still during the WARM UP, she said "You do this every day!!!??" Well, Monday through Thursday yes. I felt a little pride rising inside me... little background on my sister:

Every woman in my entire family is overweight. My little sister was the only one that was healthy, fit and exercised regularly. At one point she was maybe too skinny, but still she was always the small one. Once she got pregnant with my niece, she gained a bunch of weight and joined the rest of the family. She's trying to get motivated to lose her baby weight though. Last night while working out, I have to say I felt pretty awesome that I was doing this boot camp, like I have been for the past 5 weeks, and she thought it was hard at first. I did too in the beginning, it still IS hard, but the little competitive bone in my body was doing a little happy dance. A few quotes from her:

"I think I'm going to pass out"
"I can't believe you do this every day"
"We have to do that AGAIN?"
"Wait....and AGAIN?!!"
--end of round--[Curtis--"That's not all, don't worry you'll be doing sprints for the next 10 minutes.. actually make that shuffle sprints"]
her response: "That can't be good"

There was quite a bit more complaining lol but I drowned most of it out ha ha! At the very end after she finally got into it, she said "That's it? It's over?"

On to the good stuff.

I'm not sure on the time intervals, I missed it in the demonstration, but my neighbor said she thought we were doing 30-60-90 seconds of work for the 3 different exercises. So that would be dead lifts--overhand stationary sprints-- burpees. The hardest by FAR was the running in place with our arms in the air. That really got me winded. We did a few rounds of those then moved on to the shuffle sprints. There we'd side shuffle 10 or so yards, then pivot and sprint back.12 rounds x2 cycles!!!! My shins were en fuego.

The next exercise in our high intensity interval training was using the Tabata Method. Here we did 2 different exercises, 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds (4 minutes). First we did some speed skating jumps:

The second move was squat jumping forward and back... I was able to jump for like 2.5 rounds, then I did more of a skip/jump/step..

 It was pretty intense, like always. When I got home I had to put whatever frozen veggies on my shins to stop them from falling apart. I gotta say I'm so looking forward to having a day off tomorrow. This sickness is getting worse and I just want to rest. It didn't help that last night my daughters decided to alternate when they would randomly wake up. Yea both of my girls, that sleep through the night, were in cahoots to drive me bonkers. Elika woke up at 4 am and slept for probably 20 minutes in my bed before startling awake and kicking me in the face. Lovely.

I need to get better before the 5K on Saturday.. I could really use some coffee. I think I'll end this post before I really start complaining.

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