Sunday, October 9, 2011

Catching Up

I've fallen behind on my blogging! It's been a crazy busy few days for me and I finally have a few minutes to update.

After Bikram Boot Camp last Tuesday, I'd gone home feeling great after my sweat-fest. That night I got a horrible pain in my back. I figured it was muscle soreness from Rachelle's awesome workout. So I slept with a heating pad for most of the night hoping it'd do the trick. It didn't, and I was worse off. I decided it was probably best to rest my back, just so I didn't injure it worse and then really be in trouble. It might've been more psychological than physical, but it's better safer than sorry. So I missed Wednesday, my very first time missing a day of camp since I started a month ago. I was sad and refused to miss the next day. I was going on Thursday, even if I just had to lay on the ground and stretch.

Thursday, I managed to do most of the workout okay until we started doing side pillars... that REALLY hurt my back. I took a little break and rolled my back on one of the foam rollers Curtis has and I felt a !*POP*! It felt amazing and I sat up and said "I think I just healed myself!" I felt great, and finished the workout with more energy than I had before.

Friday, my back was still feeling good. I was pumped for TRX Saturday! I was going to the 6am workout session and photographing the 7:30 session. Friday night though, the back pain started again in the middle of the night. I again laid on a heating pad until it was time to get up but it didn't work, again. Oh well, it actually wasn't too bad the next day, but I was tired as hell from no sleep because of it.

TRX Saturday was AWESOME. I especially loved it this week because Rachelle managed to choose a track with Christmas music in the background HA! I really love TRX exercises and I seriously can not WAIT to do some more. This time we did a lot of upper-body strengthening (which I need very much). Wall slides, a bear hug/clutch variation, squats with our arms held straight overhead, medicine ball slams, then some outdoor stuff with tension bands and rings.

Rachelle did a seriously awesome job leading camp this week. I really enjoyed getting to know you Rachelle, and look forward to seeing your more at camp!

Saturday night we had a Rock Star girls night out, hosted by Becki and Tyler. They are some nice folks! Food was great, drinks were great. I didn't indulge too much but what I did have was delicious. I really enjoyed meeting a few new ladies!

I decided to step on the scale yesterday, even though I know it's finicky. My broken scale says that I've lost 7lbs. So either that is true, and I'm finally starting to shed some fat, or my scale is just playing mind games with me again. I'm not going to worry about it though, I'll have a real weight check next month at my doctors appt. I need to update my picture, suppose to do that last Friday, but like I said I've been so busy so hopefully I can get one today. I've lost 7 inches around my waist so far... wait, is that the magic number? 7lbs/7inches??

I'll take it.

Oh btw, I have a new goal: dead lift THIS sucker!

Here are a few pics from TRX Saturday :)

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